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Mall Trash!
Just have to vent a little bit... I, (along with 'Casaleenie'), had my car up inside a local mall all weekend for a charity show, along with about 40 other cars; street rods, muscle cars, etc.
Since when did parents start dropping their kids off at the mall unsupervised for about a day? One little darling even started running his HotWheel up and down one of Al's fenders, (fastest I've ever seen Al move by the way).
When you ask them to please not touch the cars... one of two things happen; either they stop or shoot you the finger. The adults were not much better; rapping the car to see if it was aluminum.
I've had some problems at a typical show, but spectators are usually 'car people' and for the most part know better. But @#$%, this was pretty frustrating.
We put up stauncheons last spring for this show, but usually people lean on the rope and pull a couple over so we decided to risk it this year.
We all have horror stories I'm sure, but these were just the most irresponsible kids I've ever seen.
- Dan