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My, my, my. You guys really hit the jackpot as far a bunch of nut cases getting close to your cars. I think I would have gone ballistic if some kid had poured coke on my car. I am getting mad just thinking about it. I have never had my car in a mall and after reading this thread, I doubt that I will ever consider it.
I have found that most people don't realize that they aren't supposed to touch the car and once asked not to do so, they back off. I began to ask kids a year or two ago if they would like to sit in it, much to the delight of the parents. I strap them in, the whole bit.
At out door get togethers I am very concerned by kids and/or grown ups that are making the rounds on or with their bikes. That drives me crazy. Can you imagine the scratch a falling bike would make?
Don't get caught dead, sitting on your seat belt.