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I know this is not politically correct and I appologize but here goes.
A midget in Texas has been complaining for days that he had been experiencing intense pain in his genitile area. Finally, he called his doctor and explained "HIS BOYS were very sore and the symptoms were (red in color and sensitive to the touch plus he seemed to have a bit of a rash --DOWN THERE)". So the doctor called in a prescription to his local pharmacy. A few days later the midget called back and explained he was in excrutiating pain and the precription didn't seem to be working and he needed to come into the doctors office for an exam.
The next day after a complete examination in the doctors office the doctor told him to climb back up on the table he thougt he could resolve his problem. So, the midget gets up on the examining table and the doctor comes back into the room with his surgical sissors and starts his procedure...
The doctors says "I think I am done so why don't you climb down and tell me if that feels any better"? So the midget jumps down from the table and walks around a little and looks up at the doctor and said:
"I feel great now what did you do"?
The doctors said: "I just cut a couple inches off the top of your .
cowboy boots".
Sunshine, Asphalt and no stop signs...Perfect
"Let's roll"
"Be part of Something Good
......Leave Something Good Behind!"
from CD "Long Road Out of Eden"