A bit nervous to see this out there. I gave Dean/HOC a hefty deposit for a 351 stroker (396) and install back at the beginning of the year. As with any Cobra, part delays and part ongoing customization, my install date was pushed out about 60 days or so.
I just found out yesterday that I will have the car on by May 15th and was going to call Dean/Dave on Monday.... It looks like I may be a bit more delayed..... wait 8 months for the Cobra and now this when I am in the short strokes.
Man, I sure hope I can get the $$ back or still have them figure something out to get the engine installed. They seemed like great guys and had a good reputation, so I am hoping for the best. Talk about a possible set back....
Boy, nice way to wind down the evening. I am sure I will sleep well tonight....
Anyone else have any feedback, insight or contact with the HOC crew.....?
- Snak Iyz