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Turk and MJ,
Thanks for the reply, but it seems like both responses are treating the symptom without getting to the heart of the problem.
I have two other cobras, both with the Salisbury differential, and neither has this problem and neither has such an elabortate lube control system. Heck, the Jag units are almost identical to the cobra unit and they don't have the lube spitting problem either.
There has got to be a explaination for the root problem. Does anyone on the forum have an old Jag or Cobra rear cover that is off the car that they could measure to see how the vent tube location compares to the Kirkham piece. My thought is that it is conceivable that the Jag / Cobra unit is slightly different than the Kirkham piece (e.g. maybe the vent tube is right in the line of fire).
Guess that maybe I should put in a call to Tom and Dave K.