The motor is still available. I've got a nice gentleman from England interested and another from the south U.S. but, as of yet, no deposit. I've told a number of interested parties that I would sell this for $7,500 which is the best price going and my absolute bottom price.
I pulled the valve covers and the heads are cast C4AE-6090, with internal castings of 4K14 and 4K16. I believe that this means they are a matched pair of low risers from a 65 Cobra 427 S/C CSX3001-CSX3199, or 66 Cobra 427 CSX3301-CSX3360. See the following page to confirm
Any insight from you experts would be appreciated. For instance where do I find the casting letter after the "6090"? I see something that could be a C or G on one of the heads.
As always, thanks for your info and critique.
All the best,