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351C Aluminum Heads
> The Pantera guys can help too.
You rang?
> There are some new aluminum Cleveland heads made in Australia that are not
> overly expensive. Not sure what they are called.
CHI and AFD are the manufacturers of the Australian 351C aluminum
heads. The bare CHI heads are $1500, assembled are $2200. They will
need to be ported for race use.
> The Yates heads can be used with a few mods but not sure what they are.
There are variety of heads that can be used on a 351C block with various
degrees of dificulty:
Ford Experimental Trans Am aluminum 4V cylinder heads
Ford Motorsport High Port family (A3, B351, C302, etc.)
Ford Motorsport Yates family (C3L, C3, C3H, etc.)
Ford Motorsport SCI
Blue Thunder
Brodix-Neal BF200 series
Brodix BF300 series
Cylinder Head Innovations 3V
Air Flow Dynamics 2V
Edelbrock Victor (Windsor head that can be adpated)
Bennet canted valve cylinder head
> I am looking for a supplier and cost $$ for a set of aluminum 351
> C heads. Does anyone have an email link for such an item.
I keep a detailed database on aluminum 351C heads due to the complexity
of interchange issues. Some of the heads require special intakes and
headers due to revise port locations. Others require pistons with revised
valve notches. Others require rockershaft systems, etc. It might help if
I knew what you have now and what you intend to do with the engine. I
might even have a set of heads available.
Dan Jones