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Hi Phil
As a semi-retired photographer and faking-it author, I know about dreams.........hence the reason I drive other peoples (AC) Cobras.
Actually, I am delighted to announce that it is now legal decent and honest to mention the dreaded AC name in connection with Cobras as I am in possession of the latest Shelby literature that is titled-
First make history TOGETHER - then repeat it
Wow, the old Thames Ditton parts supplier comes good.
And yes, I was at the factory the other day and - yes they are building cars, with two more bobbing around on the Atlantic as you read this.
Hi Whatsa
Again - in agreement with you posting as always. Some of the MkIVs have changed hands for very little money in the UK lately but the situation will not last for too long. Almost down to my level of poverty, or at least into the very low £30's. I know I should take advantage, just to get my name in the next Registry (alongside yours??) but.....! Anyone out there offering interest-free, non-repayable loans?
(As a matter of co-incidence, I was scanning through some early entrants lists and paperwork for the Supersports races in Nigel Hulme's office last week - he sends best regards of course.)