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Ahh yes, the curse of the Pink Cobra. I encountered no less than two such aberations at the national Kit Car show last Sunday. Best viewed before lunch, but who am I to comment on matters of 'taste'?
Oh yes, much respect for Mr.S. Oh to be half as switched on when I reach his years (approaching with increasing rapidity ) When you look back at his career, you have to wonder - mainly why have I not achieved 10% of what he's done!
Interested in the fact that the 'Finnish' car is back in Blighty. That's NORWICH by the way, but methinks a slip of the old keyboard?? I look forward to a visit one dark and stormy night. I'll bring a lantern and wait for a good sea mist to roll in.....such dark mysteries! The fun of Cobra hunting!
Yep - the Shelby/Lubby marriage will prove interesting. I just hope they shut up and get on with building and selling cars - that way lies success and profit for all. It aint rocket science. I think they should start making AC289 Sports (he said, trying desperately to get this thing back onto the original thread...)