Here's a handy tip I thought I'd share.
I've been wondering what I should do for my guage layout since I wasn't planning on going with original style guages. I like the look of the large Autometer guages and thought I'd like to see what they would look like on the dash. I also wanted to see If the large 5" tacho and speedo would fit in OK.
I went to the Autometer web site looking for pictures of the guages I wanted and downloaded all the ones I planned to use. next I used photoshop to trim the pictures and resize them so that when I printed them they were the exact size of the real guage (all the dimensions of the guages are on their site). I printed the picturs out on a colour printer and glued them onto some thin cardboard and cut them out.
Now with a bit of blue-tac on the back of each picture I can stick them on and experiment with different dash layouts and see if the guages are going to fit in and how they will look. It also means I can settle on layout I'm happy with before drilling any holes in the dash.
There must be other pictures of guages out there on the web that you can photo shop or you could just take digital pictures of the guages you've bought.