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G-Force has a dedicated sytem for their helmets:
Their hemets (most) have fittings built in on tne back of the helmet for a horizontal "line" to be screwed into the back of the helmet. The line is passed through a "loop" which is attached to a device that is held in place under the shoulder harnesses. This "system" looks good. It is reasonable at $250. (Not for the materials but for the disign concept, as is always the case). Might be something to look into if shopping for a new helmet.
Also, a 5 point 6 pint harness system is a saftey MUST. The "submarine" belt hold everything together and keeps the (YOUR!) body from submarining under the bthe lap and shoulder harnesses. I see lots of 5-6 point sustems WITHOUT the sub belt being used.
Belts should be as short a run as possible: the stretch upon impact to dissapate energy but if they are too long, they streech enough to contact the interior: wheel/dash etc. And shoulder hareness shoud not be too sharpof an angle (above/below the shoulder): the latter causes compression fractures of the spine.
Finally belts and hemutsneed to be discarded after an impact, and belts replace every 2 years (UV rays deterioate the fibers).
"Speed does not kill-the sudden de-acceleration does!
(taken from an article on saftery by a trauma physician-full report can be emailed to you on request).