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I tested the sending unit while it was out. It reads 200 - 35 ohms, empty to full. I knew the autometer gauge wouldn't be exact (240 - 33), but what I did expect was that when full, my sender would read 35 and the gauge would therefore appear full. I just checked and the resistance at the sending unit is about 41 ohms, and the tank is about a gallon shy of being full, yet the gauge reads a little over 3/4 full. I'd really like to avoid pulling the sending unit out again, as it's in about the most difficult place in the car to be able to get to, without dropping the tank.
What I'm really wondering is if the sending unit is the stock mustang one (based on a few pics I've found I don't think so). And, if it's not, what the heck is it? I can play around all day trying to match up a gauge to the resistance, but I'm hoping I can tell Autometer that I have an xxxx sending unit, and then they can tell me which gauge to get.