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arctic snake has a good point. the two way feature is great. some of the pros and cons to that are that they don't make a two way pager alarm that is safe or legal to install on a stick shift. I can't wait until they do. Also most if not all of the two way paging alarms have a shock sensor which means that until they have made contact with the car it will not warn or trigger. You can add a proximity sensor to the these alarms but they are typically bulky and as we all know there is no room in a cobra for extra bulk. he has a great point, the alarm will send you a message and tell you exactly what part of the car has been tampered with amongst many other things like the temperature in your car and some other cool stuff. the clifford product although it doesn't have the two way feature is the only alarm that is legal and safe to install on a stick shift. It is simple. when you get out of the car you press a button on the clicker to activate the remote start while it is in nuetral. you get out of the car, arm it and it will automatically shut the car off upon arming. all zones on the alarm are secured and the car remains in nuetral. when you press the button to remote start the car later unless it has been tampered with it will start. if any sensors have gone off it will not remote start. that way nobody can put the car in gear while you are not around. and to top it all off you guys with carbureators would have to have a perfectly tuned motor that doesn't require the pushing of the gas pedal to start it or you would have to add an actuator to the throttle. also these alarms in california with two way or remote start run about $400 to $600 installed.
Mom said she would kill me if I got a bike...
So I brought home a Cobra.