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Old 05-17-2004, 12:48 PM
Randall Thomas Randall Thomas is offline
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Default Little Old Lady from Pasedena...

If any seller could honestly say this, it would haveto be Eric. While he would occasionally use his engine, he did it with the respect that your wife would do with you in her presence.

He also never lets any little issue go without addressing it, fixing it or upgrading it immediately. Some people could call that "anal", but in this case you can call it "a steal!"

I'm pretty sure Eric could take his car and drive it onto the local car dealers show room and they'd never know it was used.

Eric, did you ever take the plastic off those seats? lol. Sorry to see you selling your car, but you know how to buy a new one, so I'm not worried I'll see you in another Superformance before long.


Last edited by Randall Thomas; 05-17-2004 at 12:51 PM..