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You did well,I remember my first time at a dragstrip like it was yesterday.... When I pulled to the line and pre-staged my left leg/foot was shaking so bad I knew it would slip off the clutch pedal and kill the motor right there....Car on the side of me had open headers and when the lights started coming down he got on the gas,instictively I did too and did one of the best burnouts of all time when the green light came on,ran a 15.1,boy was I disappointed.....after three more passes I was down to the mid 13's and cutting a pretty decent light to boot..... it takes practice-practice-practice and forget there is a car on the side of you,run your race to your abilities and the abilities of your car and you'll do just fine........
You need to get in a "routine" when you get to the line and try to do the same thing everytime....My little routine goes something like this; after a small burnout,I do a "dry hop" to clean the tires,inch to the lights,just before pre-staging I stop and check all my gauges and when they all are o-k I pre-stage,after that I take a couple of deep breaths and stage,once staged,I watch my tach and the lights,when I see the last yellow light,I go,and watch the tach with one eye and the track with the other,shift thru the gears and when I get to forth gear then I usually have time to take a breath and glance to the side if the other car has not already passed me,once I cross the finish line I look for the win light on the gaurd rail,bump the trans in neutral and start getting on the brakes looking for the exit lanes.......It works for me and you will have to figure out what works for you,but that's half the fun....
You can check your vavle springs by pulling the valve covers,they do make a tool to check spring pressure with the heads on the car.... Also,push down on the top of each one with your thumbs,you should not be able to compress them,you ideally want around 120psi or a little more spring pressure on each one,I have found it takes at least 115 to 120 to keep the valves from floating at 6000rpms....On engines turning more than 6000 rpms I like to have 130 to 150 psi on my springs.......If you can get 120 psi you'll be o-k for a 6000 rpm street engine......
With some practice and "playing" with your rear tire air pressure you should easily get in the high 12's.......Good luck and have fun..........
Last edited by DAVID GAGNARD; 05-23-2004 at 09:07 AM..