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hey guys
just now feeling up to checking the post. ended up with a real bad sinus infection that got worse on the trip up and back to goliad. anyway, ken's best run by sight was the one that didn't get timed. the little bit of head wind slowed all of the competitors down it seemed. looked for results on the texasmile web site but none are posted yet. they didn't have as many compete as in the fall. very few really modified cars. corvettes, mustangs, camaros, an audi, etc. there were two cars that had recently competed at bonneville(sp.). one was a twin engine streamliner that the owners said had one sick engine. they were going to run it until the engine blew. after two runs both engines were still running-although not very well. sounded loud, but ran very rough. be surprised if it made it much over 150. the other was a corvette set up for the salt flats, skinny tires. i'm not sure what its top speed was, but it probably occurred on its last run. ken missed it as he was driving back to the pits. for some reason the driver missed the cones at the end of the mile. he shifted into 4th gear as he cleared the cones. he was going full speed when he reached the end of the runway. when he hit the gravel run off, he killed the engine and deployed his drag chute. i would guess that his speed was close to 170 mph or more. the gravel ran about a quarter of a mile and then you reach a tree line. there was about a 15 yard opening in the trees and the driver managed to go through the opening and wound through the trees until he finally hit a small one. total damage was a dented front nose, bent the front frame, and knocked one of the headers off-and a really dirty car. no other damage. talk about a very lucky driver, wow! of course i'm not sure if he needed to clean out his drivers suit. there were a couple of other drivers that had been to the salt flats and all were used to racing for 5 miles and then having 3 miles to shut down. i think this guy simply forgot. i'm not sure about the summer event for me. have to see what my schedule is like, and its awfully hot at that time. the fall event might be better. still not sure i want to try yet. we'll see. now if we can get some of our other members interested. keep hearing about all these cobras with so called high horsepower engines, mostly out of dallas. time to put up or shut up! enjoyed watching ken legally race his ferrin car at 150 mph.
check ya'll later,