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Funny you should ask...After commiting to the sale of the 70-78 pulleys for a 302, I went and purchased the 65-69 set only to find that they too did not fit. While they were better, they were still about 5/8" or so off. Before commiting to a spacer, I called the Ford Tech line and they pointed out that I had the wrong 50 oz. balancer.
I bought the correct balancer and guess what...that's right, the pulleys that are to be used are the 70-78 ones I bought on sale and just sold. Otto had already gotten the check in the mail so... off tho Mustangs Unlimited for the exchange back to the 70-78 pulleys at full price.
Oh well, I guess that is what you might call an 'high class problem'.
So you been broken and you been hurt, Show me somebody who ain't
Yeah I know I ain't nobody's bargain, But hell a little touchup, and some paint...