I have a WRITTEN warranty from Vern Redel/WCC which supposedly covers ALL work performed by Vern Redel/WCC.. there are no exceptions in this warranty.. VERN did the intake and he also screwed up my hydraulic TO bearing install and several other major and dangerous mistakes... the warranty is worthless, as is Vern's word. Maybe he has learned his lesson lately and realized it can't be the old "business as usual" in order for him to stay in business, but his reputation and track record speak for itself. I would never trust him again.
I am happy for you that you believe your car will be OK. I would not personally put any money on this faith you have, since I have just spent 10 grand out of my own pocket fixing all of Vern's errors! At least I am not dead from the "gas tank filler neck radiator hose trick" he pulled on me!
James Madison, father of the Constitution, said, "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." He also said, "No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare..."