PS - Nice numbers on the 514!!!
I know the dyno where my motor was run was different... very enclosed area, exhaust pipes were routed into the wall, through some tubing, and out through a vent in the side of the building.
I was driving into town about 30 minutes late, and had dropped the engine off the day before for set-up.
It was a nice day and I had the windows down and I saw a big exhaust fan on the side of the machine shop that was really loud. But I heard this nice roar over it and wondered...!!
I went inside and sure enough, he'd started without me.
Dyno days are so much fun, I can't wait to make some changes significant enough to merit another day on the engine dyno. I don't even care what the final number is. It just sounds so cool!!
BiB, did you get any mpeg of your engine on the dyno? I wish I'd have done that with mine, but I didn't...