Serious side of this post:
There are many people who lurk on this forum who might be interested in your car. However, your advertisement has yet to contain any true content in which to entice them to prod you for further information,which most people who are accustomed to spending the big ticket numbers are not likely to do. Put some content in to your original for sale posting if your truly serious about selling off your car. The more information, the better chance you have of selling the car...............
Not so serious side of this posting:
Lets face it, your obviously jealous of those people who actually take their cars out and use them for more than just a trailer/show queen. Your also quite tired of trying to keep people from getting too close to your car, waxing and polishing every two minutes can give you a tennis elbow or worse. It's time for you to step away from the ASB and step into something that you might actually use (was it you I saw drooling over the new PT Cruiser convertibles the other day in Summit)

Bill S.