After subscribing to Hot Rod Magazine for almost 10 years I cancelled my subscription this year because of their obnoxious answers to questions that people sent in and their bias to Chevy. I have nothing against Chevys but just got tired of every thing they wrote about a MOPAR or Ford, always wound up with how much better a Chevy version was. They have magazines that cover just Chevy just as Ford and MOPAR have their own coverage, so I felt that Hot Rod should cover all fairly. Also never believe anything you read on the cover until you have read the article and all the small stuff they try to ignore. Such as the 200 horsepower BOLT On power increase. When I read that article, I knew we have a difference of opinion about what consitutes bolt on. They had the block line bored and balanced, added new heads and intake, and about everything else you could do and then put it on the cover as a bolt on improvement. It is still a good magazine but I just grew tired of their ways.