Evan - sorry, I forgot that you folks are a tad behind the times when it comes to new cars.
The NEW Noble M14 has only just been released here in the UK, and I guess it will be a while before it gets to the USA. You are only just beginning to see the M12 models, which are "old news" here.
Nobles out-handle just about anything on the road, including Caterhams and Ultimas. What is more, they have transcended the "kit car" image of those two, and are more like low-volume production cars with all that this means for quality and resale.
No Cobra, no matter how well-sorted, would even see which way a Noble went on a track - I have ridden in them and can attest to that.
The new Noble M14
Is the latest, looks absolutely the dogs, is going to take Noble cars up a quantum step or two. Personally, I really like the styling - less "ricey" than the M12, more like an Ferrari from the front, Maclaren-ish from the side, totally it's own thing from the rear.
Can you tell that I am a fan yet?