I've got a bunch of work this AM (I hate how that interferes with my life!), so will have to reply later today. But a few quick things here.
1) Southern said the engine ran fine on the stand. (no, not the witness stand)
2) The
oil heats up appropriately (cold at first, and slow steay rise to about 70C, as I recall...tryin' to watch the water temp gauge and traffic). It doesn't heat up really fast, like I would expect with a head gasket problem. Jeez, I hope that's not what it is!
3) The lower hose doesn't collapse and I think is steel reinforced (Thomas, you can verify that).
4) The comparitively low temps in the radiator hoses make me think that coolant isn't getting there. I think that there is a WP to intake bypass hose, but can't remember for sure.
5) No petcock at top of this radiator, just a hose that routes back to the surge tank. I filled it with water to purge the air while holding it up.
6) Gonna try another cap, but will the system be OK wiht 18-20#?
7) Any chance of an obstructed or defective, tho' new, surge tank?
thanx again, and when I get more time I'll post the list