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OK, I got out there tonite and raised the front end of the car, and tried to re-bleed the system via the temp gauge in the intake...maybe a few bubbles, max. Bought a 16# "Murray" cap for $2.99 (O'Reilly no longer carries Stant) and viola, tho' the temp rose to 95C it didn't spew coolant anywhere! Unfortunately, my IR gun picked this evening to die (you picked a fine to leave me Lucille) so I couldn't check temps anywhere, but it does look promising. Also, it is raining here in Houston, so I didn't get a chance to drive it and test that. I'll post the list when I have more info. thank you to everyone who has helped me...but, it ain't over 'till it's over. steve
steve meltzer
"I may be wrong, but I'm never in doubt"