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Old 06-09-2004, 09:10 AM
What'saCobra? What'saCobra? is offline
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Mr. T,
Nice of you to qualify, "in the UK", but you are right everywhere, likely. But, i sorely do like big liter engines, while not necessarily following the loquacious lemmings lusting for bb loco-nirvana.

We haven't discussed the transmission issues much yet, either. Up to now, it wasn't possible to have a really quick bb and still turn less than 2600 rpm or so at 60 mph, because there was no 5 speed that would take the torque (and i am not sure that the new Tremmec 600 is even yet being shipped.) The huge torque of the bb didn't allow the HD 3550 without breakage, unless you averaged low power settings and no drags. So, the heavy top loader was necessary, 4 speed only. A few folks use 3.3 gears, but usually opt for 3.54 as optimum, if the car is evented at all seriously.

Because of this ratio problem, i still have a 3.08 and a 4.11 still rolling around in storage. The 4.11 was necessary for a 289 race car at LimeRock Park and the 3.08 was necessary for a 427 racer at Sebring and Daytona if you wanted the engine to live over an hour. i know they are pretty expensive these days, but you never know when you need one, do you?

But, as we agree, there is no way a leaf car can really become par with a coil car, at the limit. The weaker chassis and lack of stuffness dooms tire traction and wheel control. But, as you say, driver skills can overcome many shortcomings. i wish i saw the Carson City event.

Back later to discuss smaller big ends and Weber politics a bit more.

Cio, baby!
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