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Pete, the 3 problems I find alot with the rear disc setup is the rod between the master and booster as you mentioned. It should have 1/16 " clearance. If you have the rear disc setup with the Cadillac caliper the parking brake adjustment is very important because it sets up the proper distance for the pads to the rotor. If it's not set properly then you need to move the piston too far which gives a low pedal. If you have that setup give me a call and I can explain how to set it. The 3rd problem is with the same Cadillac caliper. The bleed screw does not sit at the top. The brackets don't allow it to tip back as far as it should to properly bleed them. You must take the caliper off of the bracket and tip the bleeder up to allow the air to escape. You only need to open the bleeder to do this. No reason to pump the brakes or apply any pressure, gravity will take care of it.