What an adventure. My dear friend drove me up to Keith Craft to pick up Pepe this morning. Made a couple of errands, then went to get on LBJ east coming home. Well, sitting in traffic on Hillcrest and LBJ service road, it starting "cutting out". Well, I made it through the intersection and stopped at the corner gas station to check things out. Turned it off. Started it back up. Gauges looked good. Pressure fine, idled nicely, and decided it was just hot sitting at that light for 5 minutes and took off to get on LBJ east. Slid on the entrance ramp, and immediately realized there was no where to go but taking that frickin' new entrance ramp to N/S 75 (central expy.) This huge truck ( not one of ours, thankfully) wouldn't let me over (should have gone under him!), and there I was, stuck on the ramp to go back to Oklahoma or south to Mexico. UGH. I've said for months I do not ever want to be on that high ramp at high 5. nuh uh. no way. And just to my friend this morning I said I didn't ever want to do it in the Cobra; would feel like I was in a prop plane! Well, guess what. The cutting out started again. Panic set in. Oh sh!t! Broke down on the top of the frickin ramp heading north on high 5. Crud. Crud. Phone rang. Dang, ain't no way I'm answering that while having a panic attack on the high 5 while little cobra dies on the shoulder at the highest elevation in the city of Dallas. UGH. Well, quick thinking and handling by yours truly, and all of a sudden I'm south bound on the ramp, dropping in altitude by the second, and feeling better about that, but remember, car is cutting in and out all the time. Started the old brain up, and realized, I'm out of gas! Sh!t!! again. First exit off this gravity pulling, south bound roller coaster is Forest. Hmmm. Is there a gas station near this exit?? Hmmm. Took the exit. YES! A chevron sign. Can I make it??? Geez. It's across the intersection, tho'. Stop at the light. 2nd car in line. Turn off the engine, as it had already stopped and started 20 times with my finesse at popping and jumping the clutch/gas. Light turns green. Go dumb lady. go! I've got to get across 7 lanes to that stinkin' station! Geez. Died in the intersection. Wave my arms madly, hoping the honkin' big truck behind doesn't rear end me and send me into Cobra heaven. (well, no gas, so no fiery explosion) Start the ignition pop the clutch/rev gas and it lurches 15 feet forward. 4 more times and it makes it into the station, and I roll smoothly to the first available pump, even on the "right" side of the car. Good golly. Fill up the tank, thinking how much does it hold? (oh, yes, side bar- the gas gauge doesn't work- takes me back to my MG days). So, think back to that first station I pulled into when it first started cutting out. Geez. Staring me in the face. Gas. Stupid stupid. Thinking back to Oklahoma. Filled up on the way to Hallett. Drove an hour there. 7 laps (at full throttle??!!
) on the track. Back to the hotel -an hour. Remember now, the speedo didn't work in OK. so don't know my mileage. Trailered to Keith Craft. They "played" with it, then my toodling around a couple of errands, and yeah, dummy, outta gas! Well, to add insult to inury, after Pepe got all full, ($30. + worth) I headed back home, again. Looked to check speed, and lo and behold, speedo doesn't work, AGAIN. What the heck?? Have called KC and am waiting for call back... When hell freezes over???
geez. I need a drink. Oh no. I've just got 6 kids here, looking at me like deer in the lights, we're hungry! We wanna go to a movie! Where's lunch? Can we go swim?? AAAhhhh. Dear hubby, picked up Sonic, took 4 hoodlums to movie, baby cobra girl is napping, little cobra girl is watching t.v., and that's it for me! I'm gonna go read a book. Oh yes. My new "Ken Miles" book by Art Evans just arrived, by FEDEX (thanks Steve S.!), and I'm outta here. Somebody take my call from Keith Craft!!!!
Oh, yes, all you liberal commies, I said "thank you Lord!" 10,000 times for letting me make it to the station without dying or having to push (it's only 110 outside, well not that hot, yet) or for me not being stranded at the top of that evil high 5.
Roger, Over and Out Kristen