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I've gone back and forth,use it or replace it with the simpler standard unit. I stopped by my local machinist and talked it over and ended with leaning towards replacing the Hex unit.Called George Guessford talked to Neil . George later called me to check on my troubles and we talked some . I was now leaning towards useing the Hex unit. I deceided to get new ARP fasteners and the like and useing the Hex unit again with a new dowlpin ..Then My wife came home and we talked and deceided to replace the Hex unit with the older simpler tried and true timing set.So I called George back ,talked to Neil again, my earlier order had allready gone out.I ordered the simpler true roller timing set and some other stuff like gaskets .Inbetween all these calls I removed the rockers ,pushrods,and lifters .Just pulled the lifters out of the bores and still under the intake.One lifter (#1 exhaust ) must have fell ontop of the OEM sheet metal splash guard and rolled to back of engine.I've been looking through every hole sticking magnets and coathangers in trying to locate and move it into view.I took the evening off and went to a movie.Tomorrow I'll let the nose of the car down and see if I can get the lifter to roll forward.The cam is tight .I can turn it with a short wrench and a little effort ( no gear or handle to grip) I can also drag it out with the same effort. Not tottally free needs to be broke in worn a little.
Mike H