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Old 06-26-2004, 07:05 AM
hey,littlecobra's Avatar
hey,littlecobra hey,littlecobra is offline
Miss Texas Cobra Club-08
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Smile get a little cup of java and enjoy your day!

Well wasn't it sweet of my "caretaker" to call and offer his deepest concern?? Oh wait, scratch that. Gary called to tell me he was "lying on the floor laughing his head off!!!" haha. I know the gauge was never hooked up. Oh wait, on that one, too. Couldn't I get in on the Shell class action suit and get a new setup from Shell? anyway, I'm glad everybody has had their chuckle for the day! But wasn't it clever to switch to South bound 75 and more or less coast down the ramp? I will get the speedo fixed. Again. I just like to know my speed, not wait for the ticket, thank you very much Ron! Is it mechanical or electrical? uh, I don't know. I know how to open the hood....Of course I could do the dumb blonde thing and ask the issueing cop if he'd see if he could "fix the cable thingy" and maybe all that dumbness would get me out of a ticket....

anyway, I just couldn't resist sharing with my closest buddies my tale. I feel somewhere between "I love Lucy and Bridget Jones Diary". Group hug, Dallas gang!!


(edit to add)- hmm, that sounded too real for a dumb blonde thing, I'm going out on a limb here- it's, it's, it's mechanical! 50/50 hypothesis. Hey, Gary, Tom, Matt, help me out here!!
I guess we could fix it..... but wouldn't ya rather be entertained with these fun stories??

P.S. Aloha guy- you had it made with your wife fetching the gas for 3 trips! Now why didn't she get to watch the RC planes and you fetch the gas??!!
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Last edited by hey,littlecobra; 06-26-2004 at 07:12 AM..
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