FEDEX's name is Chris (you guys where too drunk to see his name on his jacket

)and I got his email address... I LOVE HIS MOTOR!!!! 351W 427 stoker screamin with a 6700 rev limiter! Good GOD! And we thought Rich Shelby drove the piss out of his car. That was the fastest beer/smokes run I have ever seen! WOOHOO and I got a pic of John rollin over to 50k on the Venom. You know its real cause you can see the scanmaster. 8yrs old and still running strong... Oh and check out his site; its got pics of the GN Spyder.
Jay ( GOCATS) was with us too with that gas spewing EFI stroker in his yellow and black B&B. And Fred deserves pat on the back for gutting his clutch cable for Jay. Even though it was the wrong one. Its the thought that counts. See we aint all bad!
Arcenio lost his position as the champion of the smoke show with Fred taking the prize.
Mark got his a$s beat by his kids...LOL!
Eric and Jen almost became a speed bump for a semi.
Can't wait till the Poker run! Will be riding with Rich Shelby for now...until he bails on me! LOL! (Rich your not gonna hear the end of this from me and the club!!!) John that seat still available in the cobra?
SID-(still shaken from the trip)
one last thing....I WILL HAVE A COBRA BEFORE Wolf gets a viper. (Wuss!) I'm calling you out old man!