Not Ranked
Actually, we are working on a secret hand shake. And a decoder ring for secret club messages.....opps....(that was a secret)
But we really have a nice club directory that everyone contributed to. Car photo and contact information. And there was just some discussion as to creating a club banner and window stickers for members cars. (To make it easier for the DVSF Police to locate us)
I think we're still finding our way with the club. The Saturday breakfasts really bring the club members together. I just got a email from a non active club member who just got his EM body delivered and wants to host a "Snake&Eggs" and get some suggestions and guidence. We had some detailing supply samples and one member got a box of small bottles for the samples....the list goes on and on. Consider moving up to Chicagoland and join could use the clubs cabin in the woods...agh!!!!!! (that was a secret too)...
Oh yeah...One member really had tee shirts made for us...
Last edited by Blas; 06-30-2004 at 07:47 AM..