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Old 07-08-2004, 08:18 AM
hoppy hoppy is offline
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Cobra Make, Engine: ERA 377 - 428SCJ
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Wink All's well that ends well (sort of)

Clois, Dean Et All,
The ramps are history unless Pat needs them for his woody. I had a night to sleep on the concept of running the engine while up on the stands and it just doesn't seem to offer the kind of risk/reward ratio I consider acceptable in my business (the basis of the little that I do know) and therefore have "dreamed up" an alternate scheme. I think I will use some 2 x 12's under the already well off the ground wheels and let the weight of the car sit on them while still offering clearance to roll my A$$ under it. I can keep the stands and jack in place as a "fall back" safety plan. I have no plans to be under the car while it is running regardless of how it is supported. Now way I'm gonna let my 16 year old become the benficiary of all my toys, tools and life insurance quite yet.

I am currently running and leaking Pennzoil 10-40. I plan to switch to Mobile 1 upon resolution of the drip, drip drip that is now protectiong my undercarriage from oxidation and my garage floor from traction. Don't even ask about having rolled my big Triumph through some of it while taking it out of the garage and then grabbing a big hand full of throttle. The lump on my A$$ and dent in my driveway are testemony that maybe I should have stuck with pedal cars long ago.

Sorry to hear about your friend loosing a tire. That must have been an awful experience. I am pretty militant about checking the safety wires on my knock-offs after reading some warnings from Tom Kirkham about side loads Etc.

I remain open to suggestions as well as constructive criticism.
Encino CA
ERA 377
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