Deano I'm glad you asked about our other project the P-38. Its a customers RC plane thats has a 110 in wing span and a total of 10 hp that will propel it in a strafing run a about 120 mph. We have plated it with our micro seamless aluminum plating thats similar to the aluminum plating that we use on the hoods. Were also doing the paint work that consist of black and white invasion stripes on the underside of the wings and fusalage. The spinners, some of the cowl and rudder tips will be chrome yellow to match the 8th airforce color scheme. It has 2 full radio set ups, one for a backup, sequencing gear and doors, brakes and alot of stuff that I have no idea what it is. These guys take modeling to the extreme. You can't see it in the photo but there are about 25000 rivets and duets fasteners that the customer has add and there will be another 10000 when finished. Its one of our more interesting projects. We finished a F100 jet about 4 months ago.
Tampafla youll have to ask Peter or Renee, I dont do the pricing.

It doesnt get better than this, a P-38, ERA, and a FFR