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I'll be there again
No Cobras entered as yet? Oh yea, I still have not sent in my application until I know that weekend is free, which I now know and will enter.
The Texas Cobra Club has made a large showing in the past, and has put on a very impressive display. Wish the club could make a showing as a club event again.
The Yellow Rose Ford Nationals (indoor, air conditioned) car show is growing in size, last year splitting up the Cobra class into production and kitcar. To win best of class, the car needs to be immaculately clean --- one year I lost Best of Class and took 2nd place because of one small carbon smudge on the underneath of one of my sparkplug wires. The judges are really supposed to judge at a distance of a few feet from the car, but that year they took out flashlights and looked all inside the engine compartment to break the tie. If enough Cobras show up like in years past, there will be more than one award for the class.
BTW, does anyone have any stanchions I could borrow for the show?