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pjs50, check with mich dmv, sos office. generally if a car is registered elsehwere as a 65 then it can be registered as a 65 in michigan with title transfer. if car is new and not registered elsewhere yet and if dmv office is up to snuff , it gets registered based on year it is first registered, not year it was built. ie, a new car built in 2003 (or earlier) and not registered til 2004 will get a special/unique mich 'assembled vehicle' vin attached and it would be listed as a 2004 model. there are some variations and some dmv offices have let some slide thru, in error, as 65's or other years. if it has a title washed registration as a 65 though, like Titles Unlimited used to do ( still do ? dunno), i would not want to have it listed as a 65 . bill, motown