Originally posted by uncltodd
You wanna feel stupid?
I've been there ..... imagine a beautiful sunny day .. we get them all the time here in La., just we throw in 100% humidity for a bonus
and there is good old #42 sitting by the track. There's me practising this gear changing thingy with my right hand instead of my 'normal' left hand. Boudy comes over and tells me to quit mucking around and get it out on the track. oook.
Then he walks off. oook. Turn the key on and no fire in the hole. Remember the "Push to Start" so there I go and push the button - to be rewarded with a nice little squark from the horn. Least I know these things have a horn - and a few of the TCC guys know it as well. oook. Wiggle the stick to check for neutral, press the clutch and hit the button by the key. Fire in the hole. What a wonderful noise. Then it stops. oook. Key is on, push the button and it winds - just won't fire. hmmmm. Now I know I couldn't have broken it without even moving the car .... Boudy yells out "Is the fuel pump on?"
Ahhh harrr. Key is still on, so toggle the switch on the dash to 'on', then toggle it to 'off' as it's not raining and we don't need the wipers. Least I'm finding out all these other things work. Toggle the other switch to on, hear the wirrr of the pump and give a bit before hitting the starter. We have 'fire in the hole ..... and ..... we still have fire in the hole' Boudy really wants me to take it out on the track? Those Miata's are going pretty quick ... ohh well. Settled in after a few laps and had a total blast !!!!
It didn't take me long at all to get to grips with left hand drive - so much that I don't think I really need to have it right hand drive. Would be kinda neat though ... having a passenger sittin' in the left seat when you say "you ready? WATCH THIS"
Boudy did say RHD could be done though .... just not a T56
Doug I