Randy, mock and ridicule the Ingles, eh? The great thing about the vacant Ingles in Loganville(although they did build a new one next to it, some business plan

) is that it provides a nice venue for a show. It was my first time attending a show there, and I was plesantly surprised. There were a lot of street rods, rat rods, resto mods, Mustangs and muscle cars, but not one Cobra(kinda refreshing

). I got a lead on a GT350 clone from a guy with a nice GT 350 clone,and met a guy that knows several of the scumbags that darken the doorway here on our little slice of interweb heaven.
Later in the evening, I took my lovely bride to the Varsity in Athens for an FO. As luck would have it, there was a cruise in/show there. There was a bunch of nice iron to be seen(one luck guy bought a sweet #'s matching '69 Camaro SS for $12,500!,wish I would have seen it first), and I found a '69 Z-28 that I will probably go buy later this afternoon(it was dark by the time I saw it).
At the Athens show there were 4 Cobras, one of which was the SPF Coupe from Braselton. The rest were all nice(a Red on from Forsyth, who dat?), a blue one, and a beautiful Green car with tan/cream stripes(I love the cars that take the paint road less traveled).
All in all,not a bad afternoon, went to Loganville to pick up the Snapper(lawn mower ya pervert

),and Athens for a FO, saw plenty of nice rides, and more than likely culled a '69 Z-228 from the herd. Sweet!
Oh yea, you got a problem with lard? Don't you like biscuits?