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Buzz, look Clois Harlan up!
Look up Clois Harlan in your neck of the woods around the south Tulsa area (Broken Bow or Broken Arrow, I don't remember which). He is extremely familiar with FE's & is a really good guy to get to know. I also would suggest you check into SCOF as my friend Freddie recommended earlier.
Also, in the newer cars, and quite possibly in your car also, there is a "door" on the inside of the drivers side fenderwell just opposite the master cylinder that will allow you much easier access, so take a look.
Now, about my friend Freddie! Boy, was I glad to see him post here, because I was sure he had been kidnapped by UPS and sent to the wilds of Borneo, or maybe the New Zealand! Freddie has been missing and a few of us (me) have been worried about him. Glad to see he has returned!
Also Buzz, you HAVE to make plans to come down South in 2005 to join us at the Annual Texas Cobra Club meeting, to be held this year the last weekend in March. We had around 80 cars last year, and will have more this year, so look up the thread under "local clubs", go to Texas Cobra Club & join us.
Good luck with the car,
John Russell
SPF #586