Well, cleaned everything up and wiped down all the dirty surfaces after doing the fuel pump change and the
oil change. I put fresh card board under the car and have been in and out for the last few days....not a drop. I don't see anything leaking. Nothing on the card board.
The leak started a few days before the fuel pump went. Could there have been lubrication in the fuel pump that spit out on the floor? Looked over the slave cylinder again, dry as a bone. Nothing from the trans. I spent almost an hour under her today just looking around. Pretty interesting for a new ford owner. Just the differences in how things are designed. I looked for the casting numbers, but could not see them behind the starter. Casting dates on the engine E3 and 68. I assume it is a hydraulic engine. That is a relief if so, because I have no cam specs. Does not sound noisy or like any solid lifter engine that I have had. Anyway, just weird. A few days before the FP goes, I get a leak. Change that out and now no leak. I have yet to get into the clutch master through the trap door, but clutch still feels fine. What ever it was/is...it looks like it stopped for now.
I'll keep you posted if anything new happens. I think I'll go drive the beast around a while.