It could be your float level as this seems to be a common problem at times. Also the fact the engine lugs,(stalls) at low RPM when you get on it would indicate to much gas. Your cam may require more RPm than you are running at low speed before you open it up. I had this problem on my 850 double pumber but just on braking. Finally kept playing with it and I have the clear site plugs so I can set the floats without taking the plugs out. I noticed gas was on top of the carb on both ends and it could have only came out the two little vent pipes that stick up. So I checked the level for the 100 th time and it showed just at the bottom of the site plugs so I lowered it another tad. That helped some but didn't clear the problem completely. I am thinking of putting a rubber tube over the end of the vents to extend them a little higher and see what that does. Your Carb.may have something completely different from what I have found so far.