Hello again,
Here is were the problem stands. I have spent a couple of days talking to Don Gould at
www.4secondsflat.com and I have decided to go with his suggestions. First off, a 750 Speed Demon is not the correct carb for a cam with the dimensetions .244@.50 / .560 , so I am getting a blueprinted 750 Mighty Demon. He is also going to recurve my MotorSport distributor to 22 degrees initial. Lastly, I am going to purchase a coil that covers both high and low range spark for Don. He has these units specially built and they are a very good price. This should help with low idle and high lope issues. The cost of these changes wasn't too bad and after going through the numbers a few times, I believe my problems should be over. If anyone needs any help with thier FE, they should get ahold of Don.
www.4secondsflat.com . Hope everyone is having a great summer. I'm so close to my first real drive that I can hardly sleep at night.
Oh, P.S. new pics are in my gallery.