Regarding NE club activities:
If anyone is interested in a road trip/weekend to North Conway (NH), the Mt Washington Valley Old Car Club (our local car club) is having its 14th annual CRUISE(Sat Sept 11)/CAR SHOW(Sun Sept 12). Rain or shine. We do attract car clubs from points south in MA and east in ME. I realize it is a drive to get here, but it is an event that can be a fun weekend.
The show location is in the large parking lot/field at Settlers Green Outlet Village on the strip in North Conway (that means shopping for the wives and guys). The Outlet Village is planning a hospitality tent with refreshments, store coupons and a car prep area.
I expect to be the only Cobra there, but would love to have company. I know there are other Cobras in the general area of NH/VT/ME, but I have not "made contact" for Cobra specific activities.
Lodging and restaurants aplenty in this neck of the woods. The tourists are fewer this time of year. This weekend is also the annual "Mud Bowl Football" charity event taking place in North Conway Village. A three day spectacle to say in the least for its "athletes" and observers. Some of our car club members participate in the Sat morning "Mud Bowl" parade and exhibit afterwards near the mud arena, far away from the mud.
Early foliage can/may also be seen on runs through the "notches" of the White Mtns this time of year depending on how the trees react to our wet summer.
For information about the show, contact Bob Holmes at 603-356-5296, or Dick Plante (the Mustang guy) at 603-356-3451. My contact email:
(Also, for the outlet shopping info contact Dot Seybold at 1-888-667-9636. I am just putting out this bit of info as "something to do" and do not have affiliations with the outlet stores, but do acknowledge their gracious hosting of the car show each year).