Thread: Fuel Pump Blues
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Old 08-29-2004, 09:17 AM
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Sorry that I never answered your post, but I haven't looked at this thread since I posted on it. Then when I received Blittleton's e-mail it made me think of it. I used the fuel filter that they sent and had it between the tank and pump like I have always did in the past. The first thing the Holly tech I talked to asked me was if I had a filter between the pump and tank. When I told him yes, I used the one they sent, he told me to take it out and throw it away. I asked him about using a different one and he said they have one that is about $7 dollars and it won't screen out anything that the filter screen in the pump intake won't. So I just left that filter out and it has worked great for over 2 years now. I did have to re-adjust my pressure reguator as with the filter it was putting out 7 pounds at idleand as soon as I opened it up the pressure dropped to about 1 pound and it would stumble. After removing that filter and using the pump screen and an inline filter before the carb, I had 14 pounds at my regulator so I had to re-set it to cut the pressure down to the 5 - 8 pounds Holly recommended. I think I set mine at about 7 pounds or just on the high side of that. I have never had a problem with the stumble or seeming to run out of gas since and I have my pump mounted so it is easy to remove the hose from the tank and look at the screen once in a while to see if it is getting any stuff on it.

Ron 61
Ronnie Widener

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