Guys - I swear that wasn't me - darn computer!
First of all I have to say I'm impressed with Keith's level of conscientiousness regarding this build. Regardless of the power on the other dyno I appreciate his willingness to upgrade & shore-up this motor when there was no "requirement nor understanding" to take it to the "next" level - Thank you Keith!
Dyno conditions:
Barometer - 29.62
Humidity @ 60%, 400 rpm's per second - "other" dyno will be same
Fuel: 50/50 mix w/ VP Red & Premium mix (same as baseline pulls)
Compression ratio = 10.9:1
Idle = 800 rpm's
Carb = 825 cfm Mighty Demon (Barry Grant)
Total timing = 40 degrees
Peak HP = 654 @ 7,000 rpm's
Peak TQ = 556 @ 5,200 rpm's
My initial thoughts regarding power delivery is that it is achieved lower than I expected at only 7,000 rpm's. Keith earlier had told me to expect peak hp at around 7,300 rpm's but it only ended up adding an aditional 700 rpm's to the previous builds peak hp rpm - impressive!
Overall, the increase in power is 111 hp & 60 lb. tq. while lowering the idle & reducing the compression ratio .6 of a point (11.5:1 to start & ended at 10.9:1) w/ bore & stroke identical.
I am trying to work a date out in the next couple of weeks to run on the "other" dyno. Keith is coming to tune it there and I'm sure many are interested in those results as well - thanks for everyone's patience and the biggest "thank you" to Keith for following through and handling it with class!