OK....Here we Go!
this is the itinerary(though it may not be the last)
Let's meet up at McMichael Motorsports, across the street from Road Atlanta entrance @

9am for coffee and donuts

caffeine kicks in we gotta go!
11:30 am-arrive in Dillard, Ga

this is the location in which the MG club
www.peachtreemg.com will be having a concours and we are welcome to go and see.
1pm-leave Dillard and the MG's and shoot over to Brasstown Bald for a group picture
2:15pm-Brasstown Bald into Helen, GA for a quick bite to eat.
3:15pm-Let's get the Helen out of here!
If you get out earlier, you might beat Cracker back to Braselton. We will regroup @McMichael Motrsports and then on to the Braselton Bash-Year One car show about 6 miles from the shop.
Let me know so that we don't leave anyone behind.