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Old 09-09-2004, 08:13 AM
Rebel1 Rebel1 is offline
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part 2

By the time we had emptied the contents of these crackers we had accumulated enough powder to fill two powdered milk tins.

Each tin would hold about 500 grams ( approx 1lb ) and we had two of em.....

Now..the plan was to pierce a hole in the lid.....put in a 12" wick...and wrap the tin with all the packing tape we could find...turn the thing into a huge taped ball with a tail. the parents wouldn't find them we hid them under the toot .. the dunny as it was effectionately known.

The dunny in those days was a small free standing little outhouse in the backyard. This outhouse was only big enough to house a wooden seat under which which was a 20 gallon tin to collect the waste. The dunny was so small the door used to open outwards so you had enough room to sit on the throne.

Anyways..come the appointed day when all our parents were out us kids decided to let off one of these lil bombs we had manufactured.

Soo..retrieve one from under the toot.....down the backyard about 3 Mtrs behind the toot was the stump of a tree about 300mm above ground level. Put the thing on the stump....light the wick..and take off and wait for the blast.

Now....we knew that the blast was going to be big... but sheezzz.... KAAAABOOOM!!! Hiroshima all over again.

Bluddy hell....did it go off.....schrapnel and smoldering bits and pieces all over the back yard.

And...guess what? a piece of this smoldering crap must have ignited the second device under the dunny. the first blast was frightening...the second was #$%$% terrifying.

Bluddy KAABOOOM !!!!!

I swear the dunny lifted about 3 feet off its stumps and never did settle back to its original position. But worse was that the tin of leftovers took off out the door of the dunny....contents still intact.....across the fence to the neighbours place almost getting his dog during its orbit.... then bounced off the bonnet and crashed thru the windscreen of this old willy's knight ute he had in the backyard.

Bluddy hell..... I can laugh about it now but I tell you....I was $hit scared of what was going to happen when the parents got home. Like there was no way could I clean up this mess like nothing had happened.

Today we see TV images of the Bali bombing or the embassy blast.....Thats what my back yard looked like.

And..the parents didn't let me down...I still bear the scars of the punishment to this day.

Thats my story of stupidity
It's impossible to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys.

Last edited by Rebel1; 09-09-2004 at 08:32 AM..
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