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Old 09-09-2004, 09:29 AM
Kputz Kputz is offline
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Armco is your friend, if not you car's. Off track excursions compute to sliding sideways and to roll overs, eventually. You'll hook a tire in a hole or the sod and end up on your roof.....assuming you have a roof. The downside to armco is that the offending car often becomes sideways to fast traffic, and side impact crashes result in more serious injuries than any other kind, so you pays your dough and you takes your chances.
I won't comment on the intelligence required to understand the importance of a real roll cage with nascar bars if you're going to play.
Pay homage to the intellect of the Stewart's and Donahue's who refused to race unless/until track managers made their tracks safer with the use of closely placed armco. There was a time when an off track excursion often met with a tree.
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