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I know I have a run of the mill '71 block, and the bearings must be the right size because the cam fits perfactly other than that last little ways, now if it siezed upas soon as it was in the final bearing i'd know it was simply a mis-match, but rember the cam spins freely when all the journals are allready very nearly in all the way engauged in their respective bearings, Its just that last tinyist bit of travel that causes the siezing, I didnt even notice i had a problom untill I tightened the bolts down on the throwout bearing and all of the sudden, the cam is frozen. I guess my best option now is to pop the cam plug out of the block and get a good look, but i dont want to have to give my bearings any more of a beating by taking the cam in and out and having it sieze. This is really depresing, somethin about me and valve trains i guess just dosn't mix.