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Dual fours options and alternatives?
I had a thread before that got dumped in the server feascoe. I have Dove alluminum tunnel wedge intake with inline dual fours on a 427 FE . It came with two 1860 Holley carbs with vacum secondaries. The cam went flat and that and other repairs took me the better part of two years to get back to this point.I'm looking for advise and guidence.The carbs came with the usual metering plates inside the secondary float bowls. It was set up to run the Virginia City hill climb, at about 5,000 ft.When I brought it to western Washington at near sea level,The Emmission testing said I had a lean missfire.I installed two kits from Quick Fuel Techonogy that has a anodized plate that accepts replaceable jets and a notched float. I went with #68 jets .Then the cam went flat .I pulled the engine and the ordeal was on. When I first restarted the carbs just druelled fuel.One thing I tried a pair of 8.5g power valves (mistake )valves open too long. cleaning the air bleeds slowed a lot of that fuel but the plugs still fouled in a twenty minute drive.So now I have 3.5 g PVs to get a good vacum baseline.
Now the current question The carbs came with light blue accelerater pump cams and 30 cc pumps.the cams were at full stroke at the first third or less of throttle travel. Ive been messing around with the 50 cc pumps and the accelerater cam that came with them # 664.It has a gradual ramp that is even untill full throttle. The diaphram in the 50 cc pump appears to be smaller( to make room for the pleats) than the 30cc diaphram . The fuel shot appears to be about the same other than it keeps squirting through the full throw of the throttle. I have two of the cam kits.I have the old housings.levers, and new diaphrams for 30 cc pumps .
I had asked about the Road Demon JRs as dual fours.They are only reccamended for cams upto 220° My new cam is a Comp Cams solid lifter cam 242° intake and 252° exhaust.Ive e-mailed Barry grant with no response . Any input or disscusion ?
Mike H