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More back ground. The first time out I had the timing off Turned out It was 12° after tdc.Fuel drueled in. I cleaned the air bleeds and stopped a lot of the fuel . went on a ride belching and backfiring got so bad I had to be towed.Reset the timing 12°bftdc works great.Thought I had it under control . A twenty minute run to Lakewood and I could tell the plugs were fouling.I took everything appart and cleaned it all. I found one bad gasket on one carb the gasket between the mainbody and baseplatewas wrong butterfly holes were crrect size butthe outer edges went inward exposing a slot on either side that went from primaries to secondaries at the middle of each side. I had to buy a Holley Trick Kit to get the correct gasket ( one of four base plate to mainbody gaskets in the kit I got so focused on that gasket that I forgot the primary metering block to mainbody gasket.The gas came right out..3.5 g pv's at least untill I can get a good vacum baseline.I installed a 1/2" 10x32 ss allen socket set screw for the secondary idle setting.I can get to it with the carb installed to adjust the secondaries.I opened the secondaries untill the slot was exposed as much as it was wide,making a square. I had to use a drop of super glue in the hole let it dry to get some drag on the screw.
I bottom tapped the six holes in each carb that held the metering plate to mainbody and re-placed the original( odd sized) clutch head screws with 8x32 ss allen socket countersunk screws .550" long.
I have an optional hole in the dual four linkage so both carbs end up at wide open at the same point .
If I think of something Ive else I've done I'll bring it up
Mike H